CS50 course at Harvard University
CS50 is an on-campus and online course on computer science taught at Harvard and Yale University. The course is led by Professor David J. Malan.
Benefits of Harvard’s CS50 course:
1) The lectures are of very high quality. Professor Malan teaches in a very enthusiastic way.
2) The problem sets are structured well and give detailed walkthroughs, specifications, and starter codes with comments. Before submitting, you can test your code to check if it meets all requirements.
3) You have the option to choose the difficulty level of the problem sets according to your level.
4) The course is structured to build on your knowledge from previous problem sets and lectures.
5) There is a large and active online CS50 community on various social media platforms where you can connect and help other students.
6) The course is free of cost and can be accessed by anyone. You are also provided a free certification of completion. To get a verified certificate, you have to pay a certain amount to Edx.
How to apply?
You can take CS50 on campus when you are a student at Harvard University or Yale University. However, it is available online for free on edx.org
1) Log in to www.edx.org
2) Enroll in the CS50 course of your choice.

Best CS50 courses:
1. CS50’s Introduction to Computer Science
It is a 12-week free course. The course teaches concepts like abstraction, algorithms, data structures, encapsulation, etc., and programming languages like C, Python, etc.
2. CS50’s Understanding Technology
This is a 6-week free course. This course is designed for those who work with technology every day but do not understand it completely and includes lectures on hardware, the Internet, multimedia, etc.
3. CS50’s Web Programming with Python and JavaScript
This is a 12-week free course. With the help of the course, you will get the necessary knowledge to design and deploy applications on the internet.
4. CS50’s Introduction to Game Development
This is a 12-week free course. The course teaches you to implement video games by exploring designs of popular games like Super Mario Bros, Flappy bird, etc.
5. CS50’s Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python
This is a 7-week free course. The course explores the foundation of modern artificial intelligence using which the students can design their intelligent systems.
6. CS50 for Lawyers
This is a 10-week free course. This course is a variant of CS50x, designed especially for lawyers (and law students).
7. CS50’s Computer Science for Business Professionals
This is a 6-week free course. This is CS50X course modified for product managers, managers, founders and decision makers.